Quotes of Mayest - somelinesforyou

“ Be a craftsman in speech that thou mayest be strong, for the strength of one is the tongue, and speech is mightier than all fighting. ”

- Maxims of Ptahhotep

“ If thou canst walk on water, thou art no better than a straw. If thou canst fly in the air, thou art no better than a fly. Conquer thy heart that thou mayest become somebody. ”

- Unknown

“ Thou must be emptied of that wherewith thou art full, that thou mayest be filled with that whereof thou art empty. ”

- St. Augustine

“ Thou mayest as well expect to grow stronger by always eating as wiser by always reading. Too much overcharges Nature, and turns more into disease than nourishment. 'Tis thought and digestion which makes books serviceable, and give health and vigor to the mind. ”

- R. Buckminster Fuller

“ God be praised for his gracious long suffering towards me in sparing my life so long. Grant, gracious God, that I may make a good use of the time that thou mayest be pleased yet to grant me for repentance. ”

- Patrick Gordon
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