Quotes of Matrix - somelinesforyou

“ Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom. ”

- Benjamin N. Cardozo

“ What is at stake is less a theory of cultural construction than a consideration of the scenography and topography of construction. This scenography is orchestrated by and as a matrix of power that remains disarticulated if we presume constructedness and materiality as necessarily oppositional notions. ”

- Judith Butler

“ Since I had the baby I can't tolerate anything violent or sad, I saw the Matrix and I had my eyes closed through a lot of it, though I didn't need to. I would peek, and then think, oh OK, I can see that. ”

- Lisa Kudrow

“ You know, my business is now basically run by the marketing department. And most of these kids running the marketing department have their MBAs from somewhere and the extent of their film knowledge goes back to The Matrix. I mean, you mention Billy Wilder and they think you're talking about a place where you're going into a rave or something. ”

- James Woods

“ There are in me the seeds from which, if necessary, the universe could be constructed. In me somewhere there is a matrix for mankind and a holograph for the whole world. Nothing is more important in my life than trying to discover these secrets. ”

- Ted Simon
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