Quotes of Masterful - somelinesforyou

“ Great things are accomplished by those who do not feel the impotence of man. This… is a precious gift. ”

- Paul Valery

“ Great things are accomplished by talented people who believe they will accomplish them. ”

- Warren Bennis

“ Always listen to the experts. They will tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it. ”

- Robert Anson Heinlein

“ Always listen to the experts. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it. ”

- Robert Anson Heinlein

“ If an expert says it can't be done, get another expert. ”

- David Ben Gurion

“ I'm not a marriage expert, quite clearly. ”

- Cathy Freeman

“ We are all experts in our own little niches. ”

- Alex Trebek

“ Who's to say who's an expert? ”

- Paul Newman

“ I believe that if you think about disaster you will get it. Brood about death and you hasten your demise. Think positively and masterfully with confidence and faith, and life becomes more secure, more fraught with action, richer in achievement and experience. ”

- Edward Vernon Rickenbacker

“ To put away aimlessness and weakness, and to begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment; who make all conditions serve them, and who think strongly, attempt fearlessly, and accomplish masterfully. ”

- James Allen
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