Quotes of Martini - somelinesforyou

“ A raise is like a martini: it elevates the spirit, but only temporarily. ”

- Dan Seligman

“ i like to have a martini, two at the very most - at three i'm under the table, at four, i'm under the host! ”

- Dorothy Parker

“ I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis. ”

- Humphrey Bogart

“ It's true love because if he said quit drinking martinis but I kept on drinking them and the next morning I couldn't get out of bed, he wouldn't tell me he told me. ”

- Judith Viorst

“ Why don't you get out of that wet coat and into a dry martini? ”

- Robert Benchley

“ I think I had it in the back of my mind that I wanted it to sound like a dry martini. ”

- Paul Desmond

“ A medium Vodka dry Martini - with a slice of lemon peel. Shaken and not stirred. ”

- Ian Fleming

“ The three-martini lunch is the epitome of American efficiency. Where else can you get an earful, a bellyful and a snootful at the same time? ”

- Gerald R. Ford

“ The chromatic scale is what you use to give the effect of drinking a quinine martini and having an enema simultaneously. ”

- Philip Larkin

“ He was white and shaken, like a dry martini. ”

- P.G. Wodehouse
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