Quotes of Maple - somelinesforyou

“ Where is the pride of Summer — the green prime — The many, many leaves all twinkling? — threeOn the mossed elm; three on the naked limeTrembling — and one upon the old oak tree!Where is the Dryad's immortality? ”

- Thomas Hood

“ Books fall from Garry Wills like leaves from a maple tree in a sort of permanent October. ”

- John Leonard

“ Large streams from little mountains flow, tall oaks from little acorns grow. ”

- David Everett

“ The oaks with solemnity shook their heads; The twigs of the birch-trees, in token Of warning, nodded, — and I exclaim'd: "Dear Monarch, forgive what I've spoken! ”

- Heinrich Heine

“ Some of our artists have the bad taste to represent the beaver as perched on the maple bough, a most unpleasant position for the poor animal, and suggestive of the thought, that he is in the act of gnawing through the trunk of our national tree ”

- John W. Dawson
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