Quotes of Mainspring - somelinesforyou

“ Convictions are the mainsprings of action, the driving powers of life. What a man lives are his convictions. ”

- Francis C. Kelley

“ Creatures whose mainspring is curiosity enjoy the accumulating of facts far more than the pausing at times to reflect on those facts. ”

- Clarence Day

“ His life was a sort of dream, as are most lives with the mainspring left out. ”

- Francis Scott Fitzgerald

“ Honor begets honor, trust begets trust, faith begets faith, and hope is the mainspring of life. ”

- Henry Lewis Stimson

“ The mainspring of creativity appears to be the same tendency which we discover so deeply as the curative force in psychotherapy, man's tendency to actualize himself, to become his potentialities. By this I mean the organic and human life, the urge to expand, extend, develop, mature - the tendency to express and activate all the capacities of the organism, or the self. ”

- Carl Rogers
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