Quotes of Magistrate - somelinesforyou

“ Society is well governed when its people obey the magistrates, and the magistrates obey the law. ”

- Solon

“ Obscenity is what happens to shock some elderly and ignorant magistrate. ”

- Bertrand Russell

“ It is obvious that 'obscenity' is not a term capable of exact legal definition; in the practice of the Courts, it means 'anything that shocks the magistrate.'. ”

- Bertrand Russell

“ Your every voter, as surely as your chief magistrate, exercises a public trust. ”

- Grover Cleveland

“ Fear God, and offend not the Prince nor his laws, and keep thyself out of the magistrate's claws. ”

- Thomas Tusser

“ Obscenity is whatever happens to shock some elderly and ignorant magistrate. ”

- Bertrand Russell

“ The magistrates are the ministers for the laws, the judges their interpreters, the rest of us are servants of the law, that we all may be free. ”

- Marcus Tullius Cicero

“ I confess that the magistrate upon his bench is that to the law which a gunner upon his platform is to his cannon. ”

- James Harrington

“ Mayor John and I shared a common bond — we were elected Republican mayors in a largely Democratic city. ”

- Rudy Giuliani

“ A man who is a politician at forty is a statesman at three score and ten. It is at this age, when he would be too old to be a clerk or a gardener or a police-court magistrate, that he is ripe to govern a country. ”

- W. Somerset Maugham
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