Quotes of Luggage - somelinesforyou

“ The schoolboy, with his satchel in his hand, Whistling aloud to bear his courage up. ”

- Robert Blair

“ A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns. ”

- Mario Puzo

“ The towels were so thick there I could hardly close my suitcase. ”

- Yogi Berra

“ Me carrying a briefcase is like a hotdog wearing earrings. ”

- Sparky Anderson

“ Skins tanned to the consistency of well-traveled alligator suitcases. ”

- Russell Baker

“ A lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than a thousand men with guns. ”

- Mario Puzo

“ A man with a briefcase can steal millions more than any man with a gun. ”

- Don Henley

“ Too often I find that the volume of paper expands to fill the available briefcases. ”

- Jerry Brown

“ What the scientists have in their briefcases is terrifying. ”

- Nikita Khrushchev

“ The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage. ”

- Mark Russell

“ You learn to put your emotional luggage where it will do some good, instead of using it to shit on other people, or blow up aeroplanes. ”

- Margaret Drabble

“ The Prime Minister has an absolute genius for putting flamboyant labels on empty luggage. ”

- Aneurin Bevan

“ The clog of all pleasure, the luggage of life, is the best can be said for a very good wife. ”

- John Wilmot

“ Most travel is best of all in the anticipation or the remembering; the reality has more to do with losing your luggage. ”

- Regina Nadelson

“ The Concorde is great. It gives you three extra hours to find your luggage. ”

- Bob Hope
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