Quotes of Lucille - somelinesforyou

“ Lucille didn't care about messing herself up. A lot of stars of her stature wouldn't do physical comedy because they were afraid they'd get their hair messed up or they'd look bad. I remember once she fell into a vat of green dye. She came out with not only her hair green but everything was green! ”

- Gale Gordon

“ Lucille would never allow anyone to double for her. If she had to learn how to ice skate, she'd ice skate. If she had to go down a staircase on skis then that's what she'd do. She wouldn't allow a double to do it because the cameras were very close. She thought it would be ridiculous to use a double. ”

- Gale Gordon

“ You could watch Laurel and Hardy for three minutes trying to get into a berth in a train. And that's what made Lucille Ball so popular. She's always doing funny rather than saying funny. The shows today say funny, but I don't see anybody doing funny. ”

- Michael Richards
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