Quotes of Liturgy - somelinesforyou

“ Liturgy is like a strong tree whose beauty is derived from the continuous renewal of its leaves, but whose strength comes from the old trunk, with solid roots in the ground. ”

- Pope Paul VI

“ Vaccination is the medical sacrament corresponding to baptism. ”

- Samuel Butler

“ We do at least need a new liturgical consciousness, to be rid of this spirit of arbitrary fabrication. Things have gone so far that Sunday litugy groups are cobbling together the liturgy for themselves. The most important thing today is that we should regain respect for the liturgy and for the fact that it is not to be manipulated. ”

- Joseph Ratzinger

“ You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Dogs do not ritually urinate in the hope of persuading heaven to do the same and send down rain. Asses do not bray a liturgy to cloudless skies. Nor do cats attempt, by abstinence from cat's meat, to wheedle the feline spirits into benevolence… ”

- Aldous Huxley

“ The body arrived at Gethsemani early on the afternoon of December 17, 1968. Monks and friends chanted the funeral liturgy in the church, and he was buried at dusk in the monastic cemetery under a light snowfall. He had, after all, returned home in time for Christmas. ”

- Monica Furlong
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