Quotes of Lionel - somelinesforyou

“ There's more depth to Lionel. What I am finding so interesting about playing him is there's all these different layers. I prefer playing Lionel because he's a human being. ”

- John Glover

“ Lionel Richie, love song, OK, thank you very much, good-bye. And all of a sudden I realized that, in my career, what has made my career has always been the surprises. ”

- Lionel Richie

“ One of the first jobs I ever had in the industry was with Fred Zinnermann, who directed High Noon. I was in Julia with Jane Fonda, and I was this slimy, awful man. Mr Z said to me, 'This man believes he himself is very noble'. It was my first insight into the type of characters I've played… ”

- John Glover
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