Quotes of Lebanon - somelinesforyou

“ Elections are breaking out in the strangest places: Afghanistan, Iraq, the Palestinian territories, Georgia, Ukraine. A genuine election in Lebanon would be a darn good thing. ”

- Mitch McConnell

“ The Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea are made of the same water. It flows down, clean and cool, from the heights of Herman and the roots of the cedars of Lebanon. the Sea of Galilee makes beauty of it, the Sea of Galilee has an outlet. It gets to give… ”

- Harry Emerson Fosdick

“ Mahmud Abbas is not Thomas Jefferson. The spirit of Patrick Henry has not emerged in Lebanon. Although more than a 140 Syrian intellectuals have protested Syrian troops there and signed a public statement opposing the occupation, these intellectuals are not in the league of our own Founding Fathers. ”

- Suzanne Fields

“ Did you ever notice they never take any fat hostages? You never see a guy coming out of Lebanon going: I was held hostage for seven months and I lost 175 pounds, I feel good and I look good and I learned self-discipline. That's the important thing. ”

- Denis Leary
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