Quotes of Laurel - somelinesforyou

“ To seek a laurel wreath from a bride-cake. ”

- George Chapman

“ With racing, you never rest on your laurels, and there are no counterfeits. ”

- Julie Krone

“ It's nice to see a Democrat blow something besides an election. ”

- Arsenio Hall

“ Dodgiest car - hard to choose between the Trabant and a Model T previously owned by Laurel and Hardy. ”

- Nick Mason

“ I think this is a very difficult job, especially for women - there are too few roles around. I never let myself rest on my laurels. ”

- Amanda Burton

“ Whether in chains or in laurels, liberty knows nothing but victories. ”

- Dorothee Soelle

“ The strongest poison ever known came from Caesar's laurel crown. ”

- Sir William Blake

“ Resting on your laurels is as dangerous as resting when you are walking in the snow. You doze off and die in your sleep. ”

- Ludwig Wittgenstein

“ Popularity is the crown of laurel which the world puts on bad art. Whatever is popular is wrong. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Nothing wilts faster than laurels that have been rested upon. ”

- Carl Rowan

“ Literature, as a field of glory, is an arena where a tomb may be more easily found than laurels; and as a means of support, it is the chance of chances. ”

- Henry Giles

“ Let arms give place to the robe, and the laurel of the warriors yield to the tongue of the orator. ”

- Cicero

“ The hunt for young authors who, while maintaining a prestige value may yet somehow win the coveted jackpot, is feverish and incessant. Last year's authors are pushed aside and this year'she novelist Jean Stafford, her poet husband Robert Lowell, or the dark horse, Truman Capotere invariably mentioned… ”

- Cyril Connolly

“ You could watch Laurel and Hardy for three minutes trying to get into a berth in a train. And that's what made Lucille Ball so popular. She's always doing funny rather than saying funny. The shows today say funny, but I don't see anybody doing funny. ”

- Michael Richards

“ I was and am still, a big fan of Laurel and Hardy. I was especially taken with Ollie. It was such a complex character. He played this total bully, coward and was utterly pretentious but you loved him all the same. ”

- Paul Putner
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