Quotes of Kurdish - somelinesforyou

“ However, there is a reality that must not be forgotten: the Kurdish people and the pesh merga have a long history of struggle and its irrational to deprive them of their weapons. ”

- Jalal Talabani

“ It is this regime that started a war of genocide against the Kurdish people, then started an unjust war against our dear neighbour Iran which has often helped the Iraqi people at times of hardship. ”

- Jalal Talabani

“ My struggle was only for democracy in Iraq and for Kurdish rights, sometimes in the shape of autonomy, sometimes of federation in the framework of a democratic Iraq. ”

- Jalal Talabani

“ The United States of America is not the lawyer of the Kurdish people, it is a big state, with its own policy, and it has its own national interest. ”

- Jalal Talabani

“ The Kurdish people want American presence, not only as deterrent against possible Iraqi attacks but also because there are terrorist organizations such as the Ansar Al-Islam and others, which constitute a danger to the Kurdish people. ”

- Jalal Talabani
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