Quotes of Korea - somelinesforyou

“ You're talking to a country that is very, very unsteady, that is very weird, the way they act. But that's the way they are. ”

- Bill Richardson

“ I won't mince words - I am profoundly worried that the President may have a hidden agenda for dealing with Iran and Syria, and I am equally worried that the Administration has no agenda to manage what appears to be a worsening nuclear crisis in North Korea. ”

- Robert Byrd

“ North Korea is the biggest threat right now. Kim Jong Il is a wild card. North Korean society has collapsed on itself: There aren't many dogs or cats, there are no lights on at night. When someone like that is so isolated and has the bomb, we're in danger… ”

- David Hunt

“ No faction is better or worse than any other. All come from the same mould; they are all products of capitalist influence in the working class movement. And they are a poison that destroys our Party and the working class movement in Korea. ”

- Kim Jong Il

“ I love flags… I think of the men and women of the armed forces that fight to protect peace and freedom. When I was a very small child I went with my grandfather, who was a Lt. Colonel in the US Army and served the country through four wars - WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam - to Ft… ”

- Robert Patrick
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