Quotes of Knowable - somelinesforyou

“ You've got your phenomenon on one hand. Concrete and knowable. On the other hand you've got the incomprehensible. You call it God, but to me, God or no, it remains just that, the unknowable. ”

- Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess

“ Science has been seriously retarded by the study of what is not worth knowing and of what is not knowable. ”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“ The highest happiness of man is to have probed what is knowable and quietly to revere what is unknowable. ”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“ We delight in one knowable thing, which comprehends all that is knowable; in one apprehensible, which draws together all that can be apprehended; in a single being that includes all, above all in the one which is itself the all. ”

- Giordano Bruno
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