Quotes of Judiciary - somelinesforyou

“ The judiciary as an institution is faced with a new threat. Democracy is something that you must learn each generation. ”

- Anthony Kennedy

“ Excluded by my birth and tastes from the social order, I was not aware of its diversity. Nothing in the world was irrelevant: the stars on a general's sleeve, the stock-market quotations, the olive harvest, the style of the judiciary, the wheat exchange, flower-beds… ”

- Jean Genet

“ This has not been a legislative process worthy of the Senate. Members of the Judiciary Committee, as I just said, were implored to save their amendments for the floor. Then, when we got here, we were told no amendments could be accepted. ”

- Russ Feingold

“ Our courts are charged with safeguarding the very principles America stands for: justice, equality, individual liberty. That courthouse door must always be open, and when someone walks through that door they have to find an independent judiciary. I want to be sure when somebody walks through that courthouse door they not only get a fair trial and a fair hearing, but they know that person providing it is the best of the best. ”

- Barbara Mikulski
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