Quotes of Joyce - somelinesforyou

“ Exile as a mode of genius no longer exists; in place of Joyce we have the fragments of work appearing in Index on Censorship. ”

- Nadine Gordimer

“ James Joyce was a synthesizer, trying to bring in as much as he could. I am an analyzer, trying to leave out as much as I can. ”

- Samuel Beckett

“ Shakespeare said pretty well everything and what he left out, James Joyce, with a judge from meself, put in. ”

- Brendan Behan

“ And it isn't that Joyce has some ludicrous Vagi-fro or massive Koosh-ball explosion of a sex-goatee - in fact here hair isn't thicker really than most. ”

- Nicholson Baker

“ There are dozens of young poets and fictioneers most of them a little insane in the tradition of James Joyce, who, however insane they may be, have refused to be genteel and traditional and dull. ”

- Sinclair Lewis
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