Quotes of Joan - somelinesforyou

“ Chastity does not mean abstention from sexual wrong; it means something flaming, like Joan of Arc. ”

- Gilbert K. Chesterton

“ If you've earned a position, be proud of it. Don't hide it. I want to be recognized. When I hear people say, 'There's Joan Crawford!' I turn around and say, 'Hi! How are you!'. ”

- Joan Crawford

“ I love Joan's indomitability and intelligence. She's very courageous. And she's a hell of a kisser. ”

- Robert Parker

“ Joan and I separated in 1982 and reunited in 1984, at which time we had arrived at the conclusion that it probably wasn't a good idea for us to share the same living space twenty-four hours a day. ”

- Robert Parker

“ I… was not too happy to suddenly take on this public role thrust upon me. They just assumed I was the Joan of Arc of the women's movement. And I wasn't at all. It put a lot of unnecessary pressure on me. ”

- Beatrice Arthur
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