Quotes of Intuitive - somelinesforyou

“ So much of the work is intuitive. The resistance you detect is just that, a kind of evasion, a sense that too much analysis will inhibit creativity. ”

- Peter Weir

“ Jack Nicholson is a textbook actor who's very intuitive. He is absolutely brilliant at going as far as you can go, always pushing to the edge, but still making it seem real. ”

- Tim Burton

“ Yes, I have doubted. I have wandered off the path, but I always return. It is intuitive, an intrinsic, built-in sense of direction. I seem always to find my way home. ”

- Helen Hayes

“ During periods of relaxation after concentrated intellectual activity, the intuitive mind seems to take over and can produce the sudden clarifying insights which give so much joy and delight. ”

- Fritjof Capra

“ The struggle to learn to listen to and respect our own intuitive, inner promptings is the greatest challenge of all. ”

- Herb Goldberg

“ The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days. ”

- Lao tzu

“ The especial genius of women I believe to be electrical in movement, intuitive in function, spiritual in tendency. ”

- Margaret Witter Fuller

“ Healing, Papa would tell me, "is not a science, but the intuitive art of wooing nature.". ”

- W. H. Auden

“ All observations point to the fact that the intellectual woman is masculinized; in her, warm, intuitive knowledge has yielded to cold unproductive thinking. ”

- Helene Deutsch

“ To believe in something not yet proved and to underwrite it with our lives: it is the only way we can leave the future open. Man, surrounded by facts, permitting himself no surmise, no intuitive flash, no great hypothesis, no risk, is in a locked cell… ”

- Lillian Smith

“ God is intelligent; but in what manner? Man is intelligent by the act of reasoning, but the supreme intelligence lies under no necessity to reason. He requires neither premise nor consequences; nor even the simple form of a proposition. His knowledge is purely intuitive… ”

- J. J. Rousseau

“ I've become wary of interviews in which you're forced to go back over the reasons why you made certain decisions. You tend to rationalize what you've done, to intellectually review a process that is often intuitive. ”

- Peter Weir

“ I still don't know what works until it works, until I see it working. It wasn't through seeing other playwrights or reading other plays, because I haven't done much of either of those. Again, you have an intuitive sense that this is dramatic or a nice shape to a scene; you intuitively know how to tell a good story… where the highlights are, what information to withhold, and how to reveal things. ”

- August Wilson

“ The quantum theory of parallel universes is not the problem, it is the solution. It is not some troublesome, optional interpretation emerging from arcane theoretical considerations. It is the explanation, the only one that is tenable, of a remarkable and counter-intuitive reality. ”

- David Deutsch

“ In my mind's eye, I visualize how a particular… sight and feeling will appear on a print. If it excites me, there is a good chance it will make a good photograph. It is an intuitive sense, an ability that comes from a lot of practice. ”

- Ansel Adams
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