Quotes of Intensive - somelinesforyou

“ STRATEGY is; A style of thinking, a conscious and deliberate process, an intensive implementation system, the science of insuring FUTURE SUCCESS. ”

- Pete Johnson

“ It approaches neglect if an organization could make an intensive and successful effort to secure major gifts and fails to do so. ”

- Harold D. Wilkins

“ The monarchy is a labor intensive industry. ”

- Harold Wilson

“ Before beginning I should put in three years of intensive study, and I haven't that much time to squander on a probable failure. ”

- David Hilbert

“ Not many appreciate the ultimate power and potential usefulness of basic knowledge accumulated by obscure, unseen investigators who, in a lifetime of intensive study, may never see any practical use for their findings but who go on seeking answers to the unknown, without thought of financial or practical gain. ”

- Eugenie Clark
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