Quotes of Intelligible - somelinesforyou

“ The true knowledge or science which exists nowhere but in the mind itself, has no other entity at all besides intelligibility; and therefore whatsoever is clearly intelligible, is absolutely true. ”

- Ralph J. Cudworth

“ The best reason why Monarchy is a strong government is, that it is an intelligible government. The mass of mankind understand it, and they hardly anywhere in the world understand any other. ”

- Walter Bagehot

“ There is a kind of intellectual provincialism in the dogma that life is just one damned thing after another. human affairs do not become intelligible until they are seen as a whole. ”

- Arnold J. Toynbee

“ Unless you are a genius, it is best to aim at being intelligible. ”

- Anthony Hope

“ Unless one is a genius, it is best to aim at being intelligible. ”

- Anthony Hope

“ Nowadays to be intelligible is to be found out. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things: first, an ideal which takes the imagination by storm, and second, a definite, intelligible plan for carrying that ideal into practice. ”

- Arnold J. Toynbee

“ Art is the human disposition of sensible or intelligible matter for an aesthetic end. ”

- James Joyce

“ We delight in one knowable thing, which comprehends all that is knowable; in one apprehensible, which draws together all that can be apprehended; in a single being that includes all, above all in the one which is itself the all. ”

- Giordano Bruno

“ Looking out of my window this lovely spring morning I see an azalea in full bloom. No, no! I do not see that; though that is the only way I can describe what I see. That is a proposition, a sentence, a fact; but what I perceive is not proposition, sentence, fact, but only an image which I make intelligible in part by means of a statement of fact… ”

- Charles Sanders Peirce

“ Apathy can be overcome by enthusiasm, and enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things: first, an ideal, with takes the imagination by storm, and second, a definite intelligible plan for carrying that ideal into practice. ”

- Arnold J. Toynbee

“ Apathy can be overcome by enthusiasm, and enthusiasm can be aroused by two things: first, an idea which takes the imagination by storm; and second, a definite, intelligible plan for carrying that idea into action. ”

- Arnold J. Toynbee

“ The press is no substitute for institutions. It is like the beam of a searchlight that moves restlessly about, bringing one episode and then another out of darkness into vision. Men cannot do the work of the world by this light alone. They cannot govern society by episodes, incidents, and eruptions… ”

- Walter Lippmann

“ Since music is a language with some meaning at least for the immense majority of mankind, although only a tiny minority of people are capable of formulating a meaning in it, and since it is the only language with the contradictory attributes of being at once intelligible and untranslatable, the musical creator is a being comparable to the gods, and music itself the supreme mystery of the science of man, a mystery that all the various disciplines come up against and which holds the key to their progress. ”

- Claude Levi Strauss

“ Not so many years ago there was no simpler or more intelligible notion than that of going on a journey. Travel — movement through space — provided the universal metaphor for change. One of the subtle confusions — perhaps one of the secret terrors — of modern life is that we have lost this refuge… ”

- Daniel J. Boorstin
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