Quotes of Infringe - somelinesforyou

“ I have never seen a person sacrifice to make a contribution. People contribute only that portion of their income which will not in any way infringe upon their standard of living. ”

- James W. Frick

“ A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. ”

- U. S. Constitution

“ We have a responsibility to disobey and violate unjust rules and laws. ”

- Bryant McGill

“ There is no society known where a more or less developed criminality is not found under different forms. No people exists whose morality is not daily infringed upon. We must therefore call crime necessary and declare that it cannot be non-existent, that the fundamental conditions of social organization, as they are understood, logically imply it. ”

- Emile Durkheim

“ We have a responsibility to ensure that every individual has the opportunity to receive a high-quality education, from prekindergarten to elementary and secondary, to special education, to technical and higher education and beyond. ”

- James Jeffords
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