Quotes of Infernal - somelinesforyou

“ If there is still one hellish, truly accursed thing in our time, it is our artistic dallying with forms, instead of being like victims burnt at the stake, signaling through the flames. ”

- Antonin Artaud

“ The fickleness of the women whom I love is only equalled by the infernal constancy of the women who love me. ”

- George Bernard Shaw

“ Nothing can throw thee into the infernal abyss so much as this detested word — heed well! — this mine and thine. ”

- Angelus Silesius

“ There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world. ”

- Jean Baudrillard

“ When people like me, they tell me it is in spite of my color. When the dislike me, they point out that it is not because of my color. Either way, I am locked into the infernal circle. ”

- Frantz Fanon
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