Quotes of Infect - somelinesforyou

“ The dose makes the poison. ”

- Paracelsus

“ All seems infected that the infected spy, as all looks yellow to the jaundiced eye. ”

- Alexander Pope

“ A decadent civilization compromises with its disease, cherishes the virus infecting it, loses its self-respect. ”

- Emil Cioran

“ False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil. ”

- Socrates

“ A lost but happy dream may shed its light upon our waking hours, and the whole day may be infected with the gloom of a dreary or sorrowful one; yet of neither may we be able to recover a trace. ”

- Walter de la Mare

“ The risk of racial prejudice infecting a capital sentencing proceeding is especially serious in light of the complete finality of the death sentence. ”

- Byron R. White

“ A new disease? I know not, new or old, but it may well be called poor mortals plague for, like a pestilence, it doth infect the houses of the brain till not a thought, or motion, in the mind, be free from the black poison of suspect. ”

- Ben Jonson

“ A saint addicted to excessive self-abnegation is a dangerous associate; he may infect you with poverty, and a stiffening of those joints which are needed for advancement — in a word, with more renunciation than you care for — and so you flee the contagion. ”

- Victor Hugo

“ Advertisers are the interpreters of our dreams — Joseph interpreting for Pharaoh. Like the movies, they infect the routine futility of our days with purposeful adventure. Their weapons are our weaknesses: fear, ambition, illness, pride, selfishness, desire, ignorance… ”

- Elwyn Brooks White

“ Museums are just a lot of lies, and the people who make art their business are mostly imposters. We have infected the pictures in museums with all our stupidities, all our mistakes, all our poverty of spirit. We have turned them into petty and ridiculous things. ”

- Pablo Picasso
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