Quotes of Indolent - somelinesforyou

“ Luck is the idol of the idle. ”

- Unknown

“ God loves an idle rainbow, no less than laboring seas. ”

- Ralph Hodgson

“ If politicians and scientists were lazier, how much happier we should all be. ”

- Evelyn Waugh

“ Luck is the idol of the idle. ”

- Unknown

“ It's no rest to be idle. ”

- Paul Peel

“ It is a lazy public which promotes a slothful and irresponsible theater. ”

- Edward Albee

“ Fortunately, something always remains to be harvested. So let us not be idle. ”

- Gustav Mahler

“ Mine's not an idle cause. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Poetry should only occupy the idle. ”

- Lord Byron

“ The really idle man gets nowhere. The perpetually busy man does not get much further. ”

- Sir Heneage Ogilvie

“ The Llama is a woolly sort of fleecy hairy goat, with an indolent expression and an undulating throat; like an unsuccessful literary man. ”

- Hilaire Belloc

“ As writers become more numerous, it is natural for readers to become more indolent; whence must necessarily arise a desire of attaining knowledge with the greatest possible ease. ”

- Oliver Goldsmith

“ That indolent but agreeable condition of doing nothing. ”

- Pliny the Younger

“ I have named the destroyers of nations: comfort, plenty, and security - out of which grow a bored and slothful cynicism, in which rebellion against the world as it is, and myself as I am, are submerged in listless self-satisfaction. ”

- John Steinbeck

“ Learning is, in too many cases, but a foil to common sense; a substitute for true knowledge. Books are less often made use of as "spectacles" to look at nature with, than as blinds to keep out its strong light and shifting scenery from weak eyes and indolent dispositions… ”

- William Hazlitt
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