Quotes of Indiana - somelinesforyou

“ If the federal government had been around when the Creator was putting His hand to this state, Indiana wouldn't be here. It'd still be waiting for an environmental impact statement. ”

- Ronald Reagan

“ No party has a monopoly on honesty, but with the collapse of old-style GOP machines in places like Indiana and Long Island, New York, it's Democrats who have a greater opportunity to cheat. ”

- John Fund

“ Honestly, at one time I though Babe Ruth was a cartoon character. I really did, I mean I wasn't born until 1961 and I grew up in Indiana. ”

- Don Mattingly

“ To be honest, I'm a little tired of playing bad guys. I long to do a comedy. But it was fun knocking Indiana Jones around. ”

- Gary Oldman

“ And, the time has come to stop penalizing Indiana businesses through our quirky treatment of time itself. If it were just a matter of the rest of the world's laughing at us, I'd say let them laugh. But the loss of Hoosier jobs and income is no laughing matter. ”

- Mitch Daniels
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