Quotes of Indefensible - somelinesforyou

“ God forbid that any book should be banned. The practice is as indefensible as infanticide. ”

- Rebecca West

“ Political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible. ”

- George Orwell

“ We are here to add to the sum of human goodness. To prove the thing exists. And however futile each individual act of courage or generosity, self-sacrifice or grace-it still proves the thing exists. Each act adds to the fund. It needs replenishment. Not only because evil flourishes, and is, most indefensibly, defended… ”

- Josephine Hart

“ Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible. He is a kind of confidence man, preying on people's vanity, ignorance, or loneliness, gaining their trust and betraying them without remorse. ”

- Janet Malcolm

“ If any of us hopes to survive, s/he must meet the extremity of the American female condition with immediate and political response. The thoroughly destructive and indefensible subjugation of the majority of Americans cannot continue except at the peril of the entire body politic. ”

- June Jordan
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