Quotes of Incorporated - somelinesforyou

“ Contrary to the parlor-room Pershings around , we have a fully integrated multi-service unified command structure. ”

- John F. Lehman Jr.

“ The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life. ”

- Jane Addams

“ A one-syllable word sounds better with Inc. A longer word has better rhythm with Corporation. ”

- Steven Gilliatt

“ Another thing that I noticed is a lot of people in the hip hop scene have a great respect for jazz and have incorporated by sampling some elements that come from jazz. ”

- Herbie Hancock

“ The nearest the modern general or admiral comes to a small-arms encounter of any sort is at a duck hunt in the company of corporation executives at the retreat of Continental Motors, Inc. ”

- C. Wright Mills

“ To this end, the Pennsylvania Railroad was incorporated on April 13, 1846, with a franchise permitting the construction of a railroad across the State from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh. ”

- John Moody

“ According to a study by Achieve Incorporated, Texas is the first state to make a college-prep curriculum the standard coursework in high school, starting with this year's ninth grade class. ”

- Rick Perry

“ Television is a corporate vulgarity. ”

- John Leonard

“ Contrary to the parlor-room Pershings around Washington, we have a fully integrated multiservice unified command structure. ”

- John F. Lehman Jr.

“ To the biologist the problem of socialism appears largely as a problem of size. The extreme socialists desire to run every nation as a single business concern. I do not suppose that Henry Ford would find much difficulty in running Andorra or Luxembourg on a socialistic basis… ”

- J.B.S. Haldane
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