Quotes of Incontestable - somelinesforyou

“ We inhabit ourselves without valuing ourselves, unable to see that here, now, this very moment is sacred; but once it's gone — its value is incontestable. ”

- Joyce Carol Oates

“ At death we cross from one territory to another, but we'll have no trouble with visas. Our representative is already there, preparing for our arrival. As citizens of heaven, our entrance is incontestable. ”

- Erwin W. Lutzer

“ Cautiousness in judgment is nowadays to be recommended to each and every person: if we gained only one incontestable truth every ten years from each of our philosophical writers the harvest we reaped would be sufficient. ”

- Georg C. Lichtenberg

“ Digressions, incontestably, are the sunshine; they are the life, the soul of reading! Take them out of this book, for instance, you might as well take the book along with them; — one cold external winter would reign in every page of it; restore them to the writer; — he steps forth like a bridegroom, — bids All-hail; brings in variety, and forbids the appetite to fail. ”

- Laurence Sterne

“ It is almost impossible to be a doctor and an honest man, but it is obscenely impossible to be a psychiatrist without at the same time bearing the stamp of the most incontestable madness: that of being unable to resist that old atavistic reflex of the mass of humanity, which makes any man of science who is absorbed by this mass a kind of natural and inborn enemy of all genius. ”

- Antonin Artaud
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