Quotes of Immensity - somelinesforyou

“ One thought fills immensity. ”

- Sir William Blake

“ If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. ”

- Antoine de Saint Exupéry

“ There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness and truth. ”

- Leo Tolstoy

“ There is no greatness where there is not simplicity. ”

- Leo Tolstoy

“ Infinity. ”

- Steve Perry

“ Greatness knows itself. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ I want things to be the best they can be. I want greatness. ”

- Demi Moore

“ France cannot be France without greatness. ”

- Charles de Gaulle

“ Thoughts give birth to a creative force that is neither elemental nor sidereal. Thoughts create a new heaven, a new firmament, a new source of energy, from which new arts flow. When a man undertakes to create something, he establishes a new heaven, as it were and from it the work that he desires to create flows into him… ”

- Philippus A. Paracelsus

“ When I consider the small span of my life absorbed in the eternity of all time, or the small part of space which I can touch or see engulfed by the infinite immensity of spaces that I know not and that know me not, I am frightened and astonished to see myself here instead of there… now instead of then. ”

- Blaise Pascal
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