Quotes of Howdy - somelinesforyou

“ Take our politicians: they're a bunch of yo-yos. The presidency is now a cross between a popularity contest and a high school debate, with an encyclopedia of cliches the first prize. ”

- Saul Bellow

“ I thought when I went to college I would be a music major. I played saxophone, but then the tuba player got into an accident and I became a tuba player. I arranged a piece for band that combined all kinds of themes off TV shows - - Dragnet, Howdy Doody Time, and Bryl Cream… ”

- Donald Knuth

“ When I was 7, I believed Howdy Doody was in a little world inside that glowing box. I was hypnotized and I wanted to go away, to be with him in there. When I was 8, I started doing party magic shows for kids - grown-ups had to leave. Then later, at college in Boston, I worked up my own kid's show, Uncle Andy's Fun House. ”

- Andy Kaufman
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