Quotes of Hospitable - somelinesforyou

“ REASONABLE, adj. Accessible to the infection of our own opinions. Hospitable to persuasion, dissuasion and evasion. ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ We are a hospitable country, which is why Jean-Bertrand Aristide is here. And he will stay here for a while. ”

- Francois Bozize

“ A 'just war' is hospitable to every self-deception on the part of those waging it, none more than the certainty of virtue, under whose shelter every abomination can be committed with a clear conscience. ”

- Alexander Cockburn

“ A just war is hospitable to every self-deception on the part of those waging it, none more than the certainty of virtue, under whose shelter every abomination can be committed with a clear conscience. ”

- Alexander Cockburn

“ I have seen manners that make a similar impression with personal beauty; that give the like exhilaration, and refine us like that; and, in memorable experiences, they are suddenly better than beauty, and make that superfluous and ugly. But they must be marked by fine perception, the acquaintance with real beauty… ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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