Quotes of Hooker - somelinesforyou

“ Today, a successful Congressman has the fundraising ability of a hooker trying to raise cab fare home… ”

- John L. Jackley

“ If I ever woke up with a dead hooker in my hotel room, Matt would be the first person I'd call. ”

- Ben Affleck

“ I learned Lightnin' Hopkins style, and John Lee Hooker's style, Jimmy Reed's style, and Fred McDowell a bit. It's been a part of my environment around here for a really long time. ”

- Alex Chilton

“ I've made so many movies playing a hooker that they don't pay me in the regular way anymore. They leave it on the dresser. ”

- Shirley MacLaine

“ There's a little bit of hooker in every woman. A little bit of hooker and a little bit of God. ”

- Sarah Miles
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