Quotes of Homely - somelinesforyou

“ Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ A homely face and no figure have aided many women heavenward. ”

- Minna Thomas Antrim

“ Getting talked about is one of the penalties for being pretty, while being above suspicion is about the only compensation for being homely. ”

- Kin Hubbard

“ I wish our clever young poets would remember my homely definitions of prose and poetry; that is, prose = words in their best order; poetry = the best words in the best order. ”

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

“ Show me a genuine case of platonic friendship, and I shall show you two old or homely faces. ”

- Austin O’Malley

“ Thou unassuming common-place of Nature, with that homely face. ”

- William Wordsworth

“ None are homely who smile. ”

- Robert Half

“ Vulgarity is more obvious in satin than in homespun. ”

- Nathaniel P. Willis

“ There is a homely old adage which runs: "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." If the American nation will speak softly, and yet build and keep at a pitch of the highest training a thoroughly efficient navy, the Monroe Doctrine will go far. ”

- Theodore Roosevelt

“ Let your boat of life be light, packed only with what you need — a homely home and simple pleasures, one or two friends worth the name, someone to love and to love you, a cat, a dog, enough to eat and enough to wear, and a little more than enough to drink, for thirst is a dangerous thing. ”

- Jerome K. Jerome
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