Quotes of Hiring - somelinesforyou

“ When you hire people that are smarter than you are, you prove you are smarter than they are. ”

- R. H. Grant

“ After finding no qualified candidates for the position of principal, the school board is extremely pleased to announce the appointment of David Steele to the post. ”

- Philip Streifer

“ To select the wrong person for a job is a common mistake; not to remove him/her is a fatal weakness. ”

- Unknown

“ To select the wrong person for a job is a common mistake; not to remove him/her is a fatal weakness. ”

- Unknown

“ An axe at home saves hiring a carpenter. ”

- Johann Friedrich von Schiller

“ Time spent on hiring is time well spent. ”

- Robert Half

“ If he's got golf clubs in his truck or a camper in his driveway, I don't hire him. ”

- Lou Holtz

“ It's easy to make good decisions when there are no bad options. ”

- Robert Half

“ We're thrilled to have an Olympian in our midst. And while we've let the viewers do the hiring... I'm still doing the firing. ”

- Donald Trump

“ The head of the school took one look at me-this tall lady with enormous breasts… and a very deep voice-and cast me in all of these classical parts, Clytemnaestra and lots of Shakespeare. Then it came as a great shock after I graduated that Broadway was not hiring young American Shakespearean actors. ”

- Beatrice Arthur
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