Quotes of Hesitant - somelinesforyou

“ I'm not sure Americans are hesitant to do this again - to fight another war, because it looked to them like a courageous and terrific endeavor. ”

- Ashleigh Banfield

“ I am not a hesitant bull, I'm a Pamplona bull. ”

- James Cramer

“ Reputation is only a candle, of wavering and uncertain flame, and easily blown out, but it is the light by which the world looks for and finds merit. ”

- James Russell Lowell

“ Reputation is in itself only a farthing-candle, of wavering and uncertain flame, and easily blown out, but it is the light by which the world looks for and finds merit. ”

- James Russell Lowell

“ I'm a bit hesitant to do anything because I'm actually kind of lazy and I'd like an easier life from now on. The world's a massive place with lots of early mornings and late starts when you're working. ”

- Robbie Williams
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