Quotes of Heaviest - somelinesforyou

“ One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi

“ To the generous mind the heaviest debt is that of gratitude, when it is not in our power to repay it. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ A nickname is the heaviest stone that the devil can throw at a man. It is a bugbear to the imagination, and, though we do not believe in it, it still haunts our apprehensions. ”

- William Hazlitt

“ Every horse thinks his own pack heaviest. ”

- Thomas Fuller

“ God is always on the side of the heaviest battalions. ”

- Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire

“ Heaviest thing to carry — a grudge. ”

- Unknown

“ It was one of the deadliest and heaviest feelings of my life to feel that I was no longer a boy. From that moment I began to grow old in my own esteem — and in my esteem age is not estimable. ”

- Lord Byron

“ Life's heaviest burden is to have nothing to carry. ”

- Unknown

“ Money and time are the heaviest burdens of life, and the unhappiest of all mortals are those who have more of either than they know how to use. ”

- Samuel Johnson

“ Silence is not certain token That no secret grief is there; Sorrow which is never spoken Is the heaviest load to bear. ”

- Frances Ridley Havergal
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