Quotes of Heavier - somelinesforyou

“ God is always on the side of the heaviest battalions. ”

- Voltaire

“ Honestly, if you were any slower, you'd be going backward. ”

- J. K. Rowling

“ What can be heavier in wealth than freedom? ”

- Sylvia Ashton Warner

“ I can't" isn't a reason to give up, it's a reason to try harder. ”

- Voltaire

“ The bigger they are, the further they have to fall. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Wisdom is harder to DO than it is to know. ”

- Yula Moses

“ We are all of us richer than we think we are. ”

- Michel de Montaigne

“ We are all of us resigned to death: it's life we aren't resigned to. ”

- Graham Greene

“ The greater our level of understanding, the harder the tests become. ”

- Muhammad Ali

“ Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier. ”

- Albert Schweitzer

“ Radio has no future. Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible. X-rays will prove to be a hoax. ”

- William Thomson

“ I was looking for something a lot heavier, yet melodic at the same time. Something different from heavy metal, a different attitude. ”

- Kurt Cobain

“ When I played, I had a natural ability to jump and run, and I just wanted to get bigger and heavier. ”

- Brady Anderson

“ A doctor can bury his mistakes but a supplier based engineer can only advise the product designer to specify a heavier texture. ”

- Mick Lloyd Kerman

“ The lofty pine is oftenest shaken by the winds; High towers fall with a heavier crash; And the lightning strikes the highest mountain. ”

- Horace

“ If you cast away one cross, you will certainly find another, and perhaps a heavier. ”

- Thomas a Kempis

“ If I thought that a smile of mine, might linger the whole day through and lighten some heart with a heavier part, I'd not withhold it — Would you? ”

- Unknown

“ Delay in vengeance delivers a heavier blow. ”

- John Ford

“ Idleness and pride tax with a heavier hand than kings and parliaments. If we can get rid of the former, we may easily bear the latter. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ Duty is heavier than a mountain, death lighter than a feather. ”

- Robert Jordan

“ A successful lie is doubly a lie; an error which has to be corrected is a heavier burden than the truth. ”

- Dag Hammarskjold

“ Life is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain. ”

- Robert Jordan

“ The great thing about a computer notebook is that no matter how much you stuff into it, it doesn't get bigger or heavier. ”

- Bill Gates

“ There is nothing heavier than compassion. Not even one's own pain weighs so heavy as the pain one feels with someone, for someone, a pain intensified by the imagination and prolonged by a hundred echoes. ”

- Milan Kundera

“ If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater the effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders — what would you tell him to do? I don't know… ”

- Ayn Rand
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