Quotes of Habitually - somelinesforyou

“ All noise is waste. So cultivate quietness in your speech, in your thoughts, in your emotions. Speak habitually low. Wait for attention and then you low words will be charged with dynamite. ”

- Elbert Hubbard

“ The hell to be endured hereafter, of which theology tells, is no worse than the hell we make for ourselves in this world by habitually fashioned our characters in the wrong way. ”

- William James

“ Small kindnesses, small courtesies, small considerations, habitually practiced in our social intercourse, give a greater charm to the character than the display of great talents and accomplishments. ”

- Mary Ann Kelty

“ Men habitually use only a small part of the powers which they possess and which they might use under appropriate circumstances. ”

- William James

“ Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations given habitually, are what preserve the heart and secure comfort. ”

- Humphry Davy

“ When the habitually even-tempered suddenly fly into a passion, that explosion is apt to be more impressive than the outburst of the most violent amongst us. ”

- Margery Allingham

“ The one mistake which is committed habitually by people who have the gift of half-genius, is waiting for inspiration. ”

- Philip Hamerton

“ I could never think well of a man's intellectual or moral character, if he was habitually unfaithful to his appointments. ”

- Nathaniel Emmons

“ Meetings are an addictive, highly self-indulgent activity that corporations and other organizations habitually engage in only because they cannot actually masturbate. ”

- Alain van der Heide

“ He is a benefactor of mankind who contracts the great rules of life into short sentences, that may be easily impressed on the memory, and so recur habitually to the mind. ”

- Samuel Johnson

“ But you can catch yourself entertaining habitually certain ideas and setting others aside; and that, I think, is where our personal destinies are largely decided. ”

- Alfred North Whitehead

“ He didn't dare to, because his father had a weak heart and habitually threatened to drop dead if anybody hurt his feelings. You may have noticed that people with weak hearts are the tyrants of English married life. ”

- George Bernard Shaw

“ Perhaps we should comprehend these things better were it not for the persistence of the superstition that human beings habitually think. There is no more persistent superstition than this. Linnus helped it on to an undeserved permanence when he devised the name Homo sapiens for the highest species of the order primates… ”

- Nicholas Murray Butler

“ Why does a virtuous man take delight in the landscapes? Because the dim of the dusty world and the locked-in-ness of human habitations are what human nature habitually abhors; while on the contrary, haze, mist, and the haunting spirits of the mountains are what human nature seeks, and yet can rarely find. ”

- Kuo His

“ The man who succeeds above his fellows is the one who early in life discerns his object and toward that object habitually directs his powers. Even genius itself is but fine observation strengthened by fixity of purpose. ”

- Edward Bulwer Lytton
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