Quotes of Gymnast - somelinesforyou

“ We had to get up at 6 a.m. and never had a problem. She was doing ballet and gymnastics, then dropped gymnastics. ”

- Angela Davis

“ Because I was a gymnast for 11 years. That's my thing. My girlfriend Betty Okino was in the 1992 Olympics and won a bronze medal. She's a gymnast. So I'm a huge fan. ”

- Jaime Pressly

“ I had a huge crush on Olga Korbut, the gymnast. The only other person was Cliff Richard, which is embarrassing - it means that when I was seven I had bad taste and was presumably gay. ”

- Hugh Grant

“ You know what they say about Chicago. If you don't like the weather, wait fifteen minutes. ”

- Ralph Kiner

“ But let me do I will show the world what gymnastics looks like. Well may be this is a future gymnastics. ”

- Olga Korbut
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