Quotes of Gregarious - somelinesforyou

“ Man is a gregarious creature, more so in mind than in body. He may like to go alone for a walk but he hates to stand alone in his opinion. ”

- Unknown

“ Man is a gregarious animal and much more so in his mind than in his body. A golden rule; judge men not by their opinions but by what their opinions have made of them. ”

- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

“ I'm not a very gregarious person. I can't bear attention being called to me in a public place, which is ridiculous in a business that pays you to be noticed. ”

- Gabriel Byrne

“ The human being is in the most literal sense a political animal, not merely a gregarious animal, but an animal which can individuate itself only in the midst of society. ”

- Karl Marx

“ There is something terribly wrong with a culture inebriated by noise and gregariousness. ”

- George Steiner
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