Quotes of Gravely - somelinesforyou

“ Just then, with a wink and a sly normal lurch, The owl very gravely got down from his perch, Walked round, and regarded his fault-finding critic with a glance analytic. ”

- James Thomas Field

“ Do whatever you do intensely. ”

- Robert Henri

“ It gives me great pleasure indeed to see the stubbornness of an incorrigible nonconformist warmly acclaimed. ”

- Albert Einstein

“ You do not succeed because you do not know what you want, but because you don't want it intensely enough. ”

- Frank Crane

“ To be listened to is, generally speaking, a nearly unique experience for most people. It is enormously stimulating. It is small wonder that people who have been demanding all their lives to be heard so often fall speechless when confronted with one who gravely agrees to lend an ear… ”

- Robert C. Murphy

“ I suppose you think that persons who are as old as your father and myself are always thinking about very grave things, but I know that we are meditating the same old themes that we did when we were ten years old, only we go more gravely about it. ”

- Henry David Thoreau

“ It is not funny that anything else should fall down; only that a man should fall down. Why do we laugh? Because it is a gravely religious matter: it is the Fall of Man. Only man can be absurd: for only man can be dignified. ”

- Gilbert K. Chesterton

“ The English people believes itself to be free; it is gravely mistaken; it is free only during election of members of parliament; as soon as the members are elected, the people is enslaved; it is nothing. In the brief moment of its freedom, the English people makes such a use of that freedom that it deserves to lose it. ”

- Jean Jacques Rousseau

“ 'Tis said of love that it sometimes goes, sometimes flies; runs with one, walks gravely with another; turns a third into ice, and sets a fourth in a flame: it wounds one, another it kills: like lightning it begins and ends in the same moment: it makes that fort yield at night which it besieged but in the morning; for there is no force able to resist it. ”

- Miguel de Cervantes

“ When the weather is mild, they stand leaning with both their arms upon the corn-field fence, and gravely consider whether they had best go and take a Small Heat at the Hough: but generally find reasons to put it off till another time. ”

- William Byrd
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