Quotes of Governmental - somelinesforyou

“ I strongly believe that American farmers and businesses can compete with anyone in the world if they are given a level playing field. ”

- Allen Boyd

“ Liberty has never come from Government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it… The history of liberty is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it. ”

- Woodrow Wilson

“ A candidate could easily commit political suicide if he were to come up with an unconventional thought during a presidential tour. ”

- Elwyn Brooks White

“ All literature is political. ”

- LeVar Burton

“ Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire. ”

- Ludwig Mises

“ Terrorism is in good part an effective government propaganda; it serves to deflect attention from governmental abuse toward a mostly imagined, highly dangerous outside enemy. ”

- Mark Poster

“ The most effective public official is one who, while finding passage through the maze of economic and governmental considerations, never forgets that compassion for people comes first. ”

- Shirley Pettis Roberson

“ All governmental intervention has as its object a forcible altering of what people would do were they unrestrained. ”

- Leonard Read

“ There is no nonsense so errant that it cannot be made the creed of the vast majority by adequate governmental action. ”

- Bertrand Russell

“ In the frank expression of conflicting opinions lies the greatest promise of wisdom in governmental action. ”

- Justice Louis D. Brandeis

“ There are a lot of empty seats that are about to be filled with corporatists surrounded by corporate hospitality suites funded by $13 million of taxpayers money. That's a pretty sickly witches' brew for a private convention where corporations have poured $100 million into it… ”

- Ralph Nader

“ I was impressed by his (Aristide's) willingness to resolve the political crisis here,... Aristide did tell me that he supports his president in the presidential view that there should be four more months of the U.N. ”

- Bill Richardson

“ In this work I have received the opposition of a number of men who only advocate the unobtainable because the immediately possible is beyond their moral courage, administrative ability, and their political prescience. ”

- John Burns

“ Today, the Republican Party has drifted off the rails. It's become what the respected conservative political analysts Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein call 'a radical insurgency' that has pretty much abandoned parliamentary politics. ”

- Noam Chomsky

“ Democracy is a political method, that is to say, a certain type of institutional arrangement for arriving at political — legislative and administrative — decisions and hence incapable of being an end in itself. ”

- Joseph A. Schumpeter
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