Quotes of Goliath - somelinesforyou

“ We slew the goliath of raciism,but, we now must contend with his offspring. ”

- Rev. Jesse Jackson

“ Everybody pulls for David, nobody roots for Goliath. ”

- Wilt Chamberlain

“ Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders. The Goliath of totalitarianism will be brought down by the David of the microchip. ”

- Ronald Reagan

“ When Goliath came against the Israelites, the soldiers all thought, "He's so big we can never kill him." But David looked at the same giant and thought, "He's so big, I can't miss.". ”

- Ode to Joy of Paul Society

“ To the public, the press is not David among Goliaths; it has become one of the Goliaths, Big Media, a combination of powerful television networks, large magazine groups and newspaper chains that are near-monopolies. ”

- Thomas Griffith
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