Quotes of Globalization - somelinesforyou

“ Globalization is a fact of life. But I believe we have underestimated its fragility. ”

- Kofi Annan

“ Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital - the world's best talents and greatest ideas. ”

- Jack Welch

“ We must ensure that the global market is embedded in broadly shared values and practices that reflect global social needs, and that all the world's people share the benefits of globalization. ”

- Kofi Annan

“ It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity. ”

- Kofi Annan

“ It is people who are the objects of globalization and at the same time its subjects. What also follows logically from this is that globalization is not a law of nature, but rather a process set in train by people. ”

- Tarja Halonen

“ Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing… you are talking about the Internet, you are talking about cell phones, you are talking about computers. This doesn't affect two-thirds of the people of the world. ”

- Jimmy Carter

“ We live on a planet that now must face, hopefully, a form of globalization inclusive of a vision to make the world a better place for the many -not just a select few -and I believe that the arts are in the forefront of that dream. ”

- Herbie Hancock

“ Under the process of ongoing globalization, advantages are, in the main, created for a minority of countries and development centres as well as powerful transnational companies. ”

- Tran Duc Luong

“ I am not someone who believes we should build a fence around our country but I do believe there ought to be some fairness with respect to the rules of this globalization. ”

- Byron Dorgan

“ If you're totally illiterate and living on one dollar a day, the benefits of globalization never come to you. ”

- Jimmy Carter

“ Globalization has altered the dynamics in the White House, as well as between the White House and the Treasury. ”

- George W. Bush

“ The era of globalization is over. ”

- John Gray

“ We are in a struggle to secure a future free from fear for our country and the world. ”

- George Voinovich

“ We cannot wait for governments to do it all. Globalization operates on Internet time. Governments tend to be slow moving by nature, because they have to build political support for every step. ”

- Kofi Annan

“ The discussions are related to the necessity in this world of globalization...to share information and share our capabilities. ”

- Robert Mueller
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