Quotes of Glistening - somelinesforyou

“ Words today are like the shells and rope of seaweed which a child brings home glistening from the beach and which in an hour have lost their luster. ”

- Cyril Connolly

“ Grandmother, family-proud and so of house, with hob black-leaded, glistening like a raven's wings and brass like gold untarnished. ”

- Brian Harris

“ I was living in Rome for a couple of months, a few years ago. In fact, I had sort of made a pilgrimage to Ravenna to see the Byzantine mosaics, and I was disappointed. It was so far away, so high up in the air that you couldn't see the individual tesserae… ”

- Chuck Close

“ In order to arrive at paydirt, the valuable ore they are seeking, miners must sift through and discard a great deal of worthless material known as "the overburden." In personal terms, our individual overburden can obscure the gleam of a creative gift… ”

- Julie Cameron
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