Quotes of Furtive - somelinesforyou

“ Nothing is more repulsive than a furtively prurient spirituality; it is just as unsavory as gross sensuality. ”

- Carl Jung

“ We can never go back again, that much is certain. The past is still too close to us. The things we have tried to forget and put behind us would stir again, and that sense of fear, of furtive unrest … might in some manner unforeseen become a living companion, as it had before. ”

- Daphne du Maurier

“ The addictive semiconscious vice of biblioscopy-having to see what the other person is reading, usually on a train peering over shoulders, bending down to attend simultaneously to a shoelace and a dust jacket, furtively changing seats. ”

- Nigel Andrew

“ We are a sad lot, the cell biologists. Like the furtive collectors of stolen art, we are forced to be lonely admirers of spectacular architecture, exquisite symmetry, dramas of violence and death, mobility, self-sacrifice and, yes, rococo sex. ”

- Lorraine Lee Cudmore
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