Quotes of Furnishing - somelinesforyou

“ Your mind, which is yourself, can be likened to a house. The first necessary move then, is to rid that house of all but furnishings essential to success. ”

- John McDonald

“ I was simply furnishing a home. I love music … and I don't think a $130,000 indoor-outdoor stereo system is extravagant. ”

- Leona Helmsley

“ In the matter of furnishing, I find a certain absence of ugliness far worse than ugliness. ”

- Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

“ For the rest, whatever we have got has been by infinite labor, and search, and ranging through every corner of nature; the difference is that instead of dirt and poison, we have rather chosen to fill our hives with honey and wax, thus furnishing mankind with the two noblest of things, which are sweetness and light. ”

- Jonathan Swift

“ Men must be capable of imagining and executing and insisting on social change if they are to reform or even maintain civilization, and capable too of furnishing the rebellion which is sometimes necessary if society is not to perish of immobility. ”

- Rebecca West
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