Quotes of Footballer - somelinesforyou

“ Hey, you know what, I've gotta go on that 'Letterman' show. That show is so lame. ”

- Al Gore

“ Beckham is unusual. He was desperate to be a footballer. His mind was made up when he was nine or ten. Many kids think that it's beyond them. But you can't succeed without practising at any sport. ”

- Bobby Charlton

“ How would you know a Cork footballer? He's the one who thinks that oral sex is just talking about it. ”

- John B. Keane

“ We just haven't made a commitment to that. We haven't broached it with the shortstops. ”

- Joe Torre

“ Going on Letterman is like going off the high dive. It's exhilarating, but after a while it wasn't the kind of thrill I enjoyed. ”

- Lynda Barry
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